Launch EC2 Instance: Set up an EC2 instance named datacenter-ec2
using a suitable Ubuntu AMI.
Create CloudWatch Alarm: Set up a CloudWatch alarm named datacenter-alarm
with these details:
Statistic: Average
Metric: CPU Utilization
Threshold: >= 90% for one consecutive 5-minute period.
Alarm Actions: Notify datacenter-sns-topic
Launch instance
Create a default VPC
VPC → Your VPCs → Create default VPC
You successfully created vpc-0e139ab7aa6d8c882.
Now, time to launch the instance
Instance is running now.
Verify SNS Topic
Amazon → SNS → Topics
Select the instance → Actions → Monitor and troubleshoot → Manage CloudWatch Alarms
Name the alarm and mention alarm notification, datacenter-sns-topic.
Create now.
Created CloudWatch alarm: datacenter-alarm
Boom! We have set up an EC2 instance and configured a CloudWatch alarm.
#happylearning #aws #cloud