Provision a Private RDS Instance: Create a new private RDS instance named datacenter-rds
using a free tier template. It must be a db.t3.micro
type instance.
Engine Configuration: Use the MySQL
engine with version 8.0.x
Enable Storage Autoscaling: Enable storage autoscaling and set the threshold value to 50GB
. Keep the rest of the configurations as default.
Instance Availability: Ensure the instance is in the available
state before submitting this task.
Launch a Database Instance
RDS → Create database
Choose the database creation method:
Select Standard create
Select MySQL
Under Version, choose 8.0.x
Select Free tier
DB instance identifier
Enter datacenter-rds
Instance configuration
Select db.t3.micro
Enable Storage autoscaling
Set the Maximum storage threshold to 50 GB
Click Create database
Successfully created database datacenter-rds
Boom! We've successfully completed this exercise as well.
#aws #cloudcomputing #rds #happylearning