For this task, create one publicly
accessible RDS instance using a free tier template along with the following details:
The name of the RDS instance must be xfusion-rds
The engine type must be MySQL v8.0.36
, and it must be a db.t3.micro
type instance.
The master username must be xfusion_admin
and set some appropriate password.
RDS storage type must be gp2
and storage size must be 5GiB
Keep the rest of the configurations as default
. Finally, make sure the instance is in available
state before submitting this task.
RDS → Create database
Select free tier template
RDS storage = gp2
and storage size = 5GiB
Everything is going well, but I forgot to select Publicly Accessible. I'll modify it now.
Connectivity → Public access → Publicly accessible
RDS → Databases → Modify DB instance: xfusion-rds
Our RDS instance is publicly
accessible now.
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