Create a public VPC named devops-pub-vpc
Create a subnet named devops-pub-subnet
under the VPC.
Ensure public IPs are automatically assigned to resources in this subnet.
Create an EC2 instance named devops-pub-ec2
under this VPC.
You successfully created vpc-0fe2735e948ae693d / devops-pub-vpc.
Enable Public DNS for the VPC
Select the newly created VPC (devops-pub-vpc
) in the VPC dashboard.
Go to the Actions dropdown and choose Edit DNS hostnames.
Enable both DNS resolution and DNS hostnames.
Save changes.
VPC → Your VPCs → vpc-0fe2735e948ae693d → Edit VPC settings
Create the Subnet
a) In the VPC Dashboard, click Create Subnet.
b) Enter the following details:
VPC: Select devops-pub-vpc
Subnet name: devops-pub-subnet
Availability Zone: Select any (e.g., us-east-1a
IPv4 CIDR block:
VPC → Subnets → Create subnet
Enable Auto-assign public IPv4 address.
Create an Internet Gateway
Go to Actions, and choose Attach to VPC.
Select devops-pub-vpc and click Attach internet gateway.
Create and Configure a Route Table
In the VPC Dashboard, go to Route Tables.
Click Create route table.
Enter the following details:
Name tag: devops-pub-rt
VPC: Select devops-pub-vpc
Click Create route table.
VPC → Route tables → Create route table
Click Edit routes.
Add the following route:
Target: Internet Gateway (select devops-igw
from the dropdown).
Save changes.
Edit subnet associations
VPC → Route tables → rtb-005a434e2701bf060 → Edit subnet associations
Create a Security Group
Enter the following details:
Security group name: devops-pub-sg
Description: Allow SSH access.
VPC: Select devops-pub-vpc
Add an Inbound Rule:
Type: SSH
Protocol: TCP
Port Range: 22
Launch the EC2 Instance
Go to the EC2 Dashboard and click Launch Instances.
Enter the following details:
Name: devops-pub-ec2
AMI: Any of ami ( I am choosing ubuntu right now)
Instance type: t2.micro
Key pair: Select an existing key pair or create a new one.
Network settings:
VPC: Select devops-pub-vpc
Subnet: Select devops-pub-subnet
Auto-assign public IP: Enabled (should be automatic due to subnet settings).
Security group: Select devops-pub-sg
Click Launch Instance.
Congrats! You have successfully completed the task.